There are three things that guide my team as we put together retreats. By focusing on what we want to accomplish, rather than what we want to do, we end up doing the things that accomplish the most.
Tag: youth ministry
One week without no.
A little over a week ago I committed to say nothing but yes for two weeks. Yes to every inquiry. Yes to every need. Yes to my kids and my wife. Yes when it didn’t make sense. It has been amazing.

The difference between partners and patrons
Recently, I realized with even more clarity that these church leaders and churches are not our patrons, they are our partners. I have always said it in our Friday night leaders’ meetings, that it would be a boring weekend without them and their students, and it really is true.
Circle time and the call to worship
Several weeks ago I attended a seminar on creating effective experiences and environments… for preschoolers. I was the only guy in the room and the only person who wasn’t a preschool teacher. Frankly, I think it kind of threw off the presenter to have me there. Throughout the presentation, she awkwardly added phrases like, “and […]
I Was a Youth Once too…
think, when I was in middle school, I thought you had to 50 or 60 to do anything worthwhile. I figured missionaries and preachers, even youth pastors, must be really old to be full of all that wisdom. I thought, someday, when I’m old too, I’ll do something important.