It’s true: some days you couldn’t pay me enough to do the job I do. But you don’t have to. When you’re working in a mission-driven organization, and you’re excited about the mission, the reward is so much more than money.
Tag: youth ministry

22 Reasons to Attend Open Youth Ministry: Grand Rapids
I’m starting to get really excited about Open Grand Rapids, and, since it’s being held on February 22nd, I thought I’d make a list of 22 reasons you should attend.

Youth ministry in times of transition.
This weekend I had the chance to sit down with three volunteer youth workers who were just coming out of significant times of transition in their churches. In listening to them share their stories, I could tell there was a whole range of emotion wrapped up in their experience.

When the art of good-enough isn’t good enough.
As part of our commitment to getting better every day, we slowed down for a bit this week to evaluate our current Winter Teen Retreat programming with the idea that good enough wasn’t good enough in mind. How could it be better?

How to make your adult leaders the real rock stars at your next retreat
Ok, so you’ve got the students all registered; the vans are ready to roll; paperwork is in; you’re headed to what looks to be an awesome weekend retreat with your students… but how do you make sure your adult leaders are fully equipped and set up for success? Here are ten tips for youth pastors to do just that.