There’s something powerful about raw, unfiltered, unmediated face-to-face interaction that’s just better than… well… everything else. Now, I’m not totally anti-social-media, or against all television viewing or computer use. In fact, a quick survey will show that even in my house there is a screen-to-human ratio of 2.2 to 1. But the “social” interaction we […]
Tag: youth ministry

What we can learn from the big bad megachurch.
Maybe, just maybe, instead of just standing wide-eyed at their enormity, we should ask ourselves, What could I learn from them?

Talking Pre-Teen Retreats
With Fall Pre-Teen Retreats for 4th-6th graders just around the corner… we talked with two of our speakers about the upcoming season, why they particularly value retreats for this age group, and how to best equip your adult leaders to maximize the impact of your retreat weekend. Our guests are: Michael Bouchard In 2nd grade, Michael […]

Dear Youth Pastor, It’s worth the effort.
I know, youth pastor… you’ve got a lot on your plate. People expect a lot from you; your senior pastor isn’t always sympathetic to the uniqueness of your ministry; and the pay isn’t… well… awesome. And, then, last night you had that conversation with your spouse, the one where you say something’s got to change […]

The beauty and heartbreak of ministry in a rapidly moving culture
Intentional discipleship transforms the natural transitions of life and the artificial ones that move us from place to place into explosive opportunities for expanding Christ’s Kingdom.