I know, youth pastor… you’ve got a lot on your plate. People expect a lot from you; your senior pastor isn’t always sympathetic to the uniqueness of your ministry; and the pay isn’t… well… awesome. And, then, last night you had that conversation with your spouse, the one where you say something’s got to change […]
Tag: say yes

A really, really compelling reason to say YES.
We ask them for ideas, inspire them to dream, tell them Jesus wants to do something amazing through them… and then tell them no way. It costs too much. It’s too hard. It’s not fun for me. I’m busy. I’m tired. Maybe next year.
Three ways to say Yes! without words
The reality is, to provide great guest service, saying Yes! is more than just what we say, it also comes through in our attitudes and postures. So here are three ways to say Yes! with our body language and attitudes.

Say Yes to Your Guests: Presentation Slides
Say Yes to the Guest was presented at the Christian Camp and Conference Association Great Lakes Regional Conference on March 4, 2013.