With Fall Pre-Teen Retreats for 4th-6th graders just around the corner… we talked with two of our speakers about the upcoming season, why they particularly value retreats for this age group, and how to best equip your adult leaders to maximize the impact of your retreat weekend. Our guests are: Michael Bouchard In 2nd grade, Michael […]
Tag: retreat

Dear Youth Pastor, It’s worth the effort.
I know, youth pastor… you’ve got a lot on your plate. People expect a lot from you; your senior pastor isn’t always sympathetic to the uniqueness of your ministry; and the pay isn’t… well… awesome. And, then, last night you had that conversation with your spouse, the one where you say something’s got to change […]

TGIF. But not why you’d think.
I love Fridays… but not for the reason you’d think. Most Fridays at camp, we’re getting ready for hundreds of students to arrive. Today, there are more than a thousand middle- and high-school students on their way to camp.

When the art of good-enough isn’t good enough.
As part of our commitment to getting better every day, we slowed down for a bit this week to evaluate our current Winter Teen Retreat programming with the idea that good enough wasn’t good enough in mind. How could it be better?

How to make your adult leaders the real rock stars at your next retreat
Ok, so you’ve got the students all registered; the vans are ready to roll; paperwork is in; you’re headed to what looks to be an awesome weekend retreat with your students… but how do you make sure your adult leaders are fully equipped and set up for success? Here are ten tips for youth pastors to do just that.