Our kids not only deserve our respect and esteem… they need it. They need us to say out loud what we see and admire in them. Words that affirm the characteristics in our children that we respect and admire, strengthen the character that is growing within them.
Tag: Parenting
Day 2: Pray for Courage: and encourage them
This year, instead of after-the-fact encouragement, let’s launch our kids into their days filled with courage to face whatever they will bring.

Praying your kids through their first week of school. Day 1: Pray for influence
The most powerful influencers in our schools should not be kids who don’t care, the kids who curse, and the kids who bully. They should be the ones who stand up for and model what is good and godly.
Did you mean Who is the disciplinarian? or Who punishes the kids?
I couldn’t answer as they wished. It’s not that my kids never do anything wrong, it’s just that, in our household, discipline is proactive, not reactive. We don’t punish them for doing wrong. We prepare them to do right.
Rules without relationships lead to rebellion.
Rules are just rules—and likely to be broken—unless they are expressed in the context of personal loving and caring relationships.