I don’t think I’ve ever been to a Catholic mass… until today. It was a lot of what I expected. It was rich with tradition. It emphasized the holiness and majesty of God. And it was the perfect way to celebrate the life of my Great Uncle Chet. I knew he had been a teacher […]
Tag: lent
Why I gave up praying… for Lent: Never say, “I’ll pray for you” again.
You may have said it yourself before. I know I have. I even said it once or twice today. The problem is, just saying, “I’ll pray for you,” isn’t the same as praying.
Why I gave up praying… for Lent: Give up praying about stuff you won’t do.
Parents are really good at saying no to such requests without actually saying no. We respond with something like: “We’ll see.” Christians do the same thing; it just sounds a little different. The classic way is, ”I’ll pray about it.”

Why I gave up praying… for Lent: Stop praying for clarity.
Have you had those moments? Those moments when you’re overcome by fear, and, for a second, you close your eyes and pray. “God, help me see clearly in this storm.”
Why I gave up praying… for Lent
Don’t worry, Grandma. I’m not giving up praying all together. I’m just done praying as a substitute for doing.