Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my leadership style and method: how I treat the people on the teams I lead. My previous writing has left out the essential component of great leadership: Caring.
Tag: leadership

How to make your adult leaders the real rock stars at your next retreat
Ok, so you’ve got the students all registered; the vans are ready to roll; paperwork is in; you’re headed to what looks to be an awesome weekend retreat with your students… but how do you make sure your adult leaders are fully equipped and set up for success? Here are ten tips for youth pastors to do just that.

I’m a control freak.
Seriously. I like it when things are under control… under my control. But when something outside my control is headed my way, here are four things I do to help me (a control freak) deal with the uncontrollable.

Why we should take Gen Y more seriously. (Seriously.)
Born in the 1980s and 1990s, members of Generation Y have always seemed like kids to me. I mean, for them, Nick at Night consisted of reruns of Perfect Strangers and Cheers… shows previous generations (including mine) watched in prime time.
Rules without relationships lead to rebellion.
Rules are just rules—and likely to be broken—unless they are expressed in the context of personal loving and caring relationships.