The most amazing thing about that willow tree, wasn’t that it remained standing the day after the storm. It is that it has continued to grow in spite of the damage it incurred.
Tag: hope

A brief thought on marriage.
It’s too idealistic, they argue. After all, lots of marriages end in divorce; lots of people have sex outside of marriage; and lots of great kids grow up without both biological parents. So why is there such a fight to maintain the traditional view and understanding of marriage? Consider the tree. We could define a tree […]

Power over the body (be healed) and the soul (be at peace)
I remember walking slowly through the lobby of the Mayo Clinic, it was late in the evening and I was the only one there. But I had to see it. I had to see the place I had heard so much about. And I wondered—in a sort of desperation—would it be that place for me?
My 1982 Ford Escort ran out of gas. Your hope never will.
Now my 1982 Ford Escort was moving a little over twice as fast as I could possibly run, and I was being dragged alongside. I’ve never done that again.
Day 2: Pray for Courage: and encourage them
This year, instead of after-the-fact encouragement, let’s launch our kids into their days filled with courage to face whatever they will bring.