“Do you know what my mom always used to tell me?” He was struggling to keep his balance (and catch his breath) nearly 24 feet off the ground in our indoor ropes course. Last year he had come to camp and tried, but not been able to overcome his fear of heights. He had not […]
Tag: confidence

“What are you going to do next?”
I’ve been asked it at the grocery store, the gas station, in text messages and emails, and in a steady stream of phone calls from good friends… people, I’m sure, aren’t trying to pry, but are simply demonstrating their concern and curiosity. Thank you.

There’s not enough soap in the world.
All the ritual and all the animal sacrifice the Hebrews could do did not offer them the confidence to walk boldly before the throne of God. But we can.
Day 4: Pray for boldness, and assure them
Our kids are longing to take risks and to stand out. But for too long we have struggled to minimize their risks, and cause our children to fit in.
On dry ground, part 2. This is how you will know that the living God is among you.
The Israelites were probably a little apprehensive about the plan, which was apparently to cross a flooded river into an occupied land and drive out all the nations that had called it their home for generations.