You see, fellowship, Christian community, is not about gathering as if being together is the object. It is about how together we are being gathered up to Christ.
Tag: church
Your view of the church may be all wrong.
Sometimes we inadvertently teach a lesson I wish we could erase: that the church is where you go for an hour on Sunday morning and sit in between worship songs.
Headed to college and trying to decide on a campus ministry? Here are 3 things to consider.
I asked two former campus ministers to answer the question, “What are the 3 big things you would encourage a high school senior to look for when they’re evaluating campus ministries?” Here’s what I learned.
Easter Barney and a lesson for the Church
On Easter morning I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat on the couch with my one-year-old nephew to catch a classic episode of Barney. He had his sippy of milk and a snack of Cheerios and Life cereal. I just had the coffee. It was a great episode, something about telling the truth and […]

The difference between partners and patrons
Recently, I realized with even more clarity that these church leaders and churches are not our patrons, they are our partners. I have always said it in our Friday night leaders’ meetings, that it would be a boring weekend without them and their students, and it really is true.