Like many small businesses, your favorite summer camp may be struggling to survive and stay
on-mission during the pandemic. Here are six practical ways you can support your camp and their staff.

Like many small businesses, your favorite summer camp may be struggling to survive and stay
on-mission during the pandemic. Here are six practical ways you can support your camp and their staff.
The most amazing thing about that willow tree, wasn’t that it remained standing the day after the storm. It is that it has continued to grow in spite of the damage it incurred.
The truth is, just like you don’t have to be a great musician, graphic designer or producer to do great ministry, you also don’t have to be a therapist to provide the primary support your students need.
The full reality of the impacts of Coronavirus on the camping industry is yet to be seen. I know it will be extremely difficult for many camps – both economically and emotionally.
I didn’t choose a Bible reading plan. I’m not checking any boxes. I’m not following a calendar or schedule. I’m just reading, slowly and deliberately, and pausing to reflect when God speaks more loudly. I’m preparing my answer and readying my spirit, and praying that God will give me clarity and confidence whenever I have the opportunity to tell his story.