While it’s true that the camp experience is powerful and vitally important for the youth and families we serve… we know it’s also true that it can be a life-changing experience for the staff who don their Chaco’s and staff t-shirts day in and day out to provide that experience.
Category: #youthmin

When things regrow: A picture of resilience.
The most amazing thing about that willow tree, wasn’t that it remained standing the day after the storm. It is that it has continued to grow in spite of the damage it incurred.

Dear Youth Pastor, you got this.
The truth is, just like you don’t have to be a great musician, graphic designer or producer to do great ministry, you also don’t have to be a therapist to provide the primary support your students need.

This thing… and all things.
“Do you know what my mom always used to tell me?” He was struggling to keep his balance (and catch his breath) nearly 24 feet off the ground in our indoor ropes course. Last year he had come to camp and tried, but not been able to overcome his fear of heights. He had not […]

A quick trip to India.
Phone calls. Texting. Emails. Social media posts. They’re all examples of technology that have made the face-to-face, knee-to-knee, hand-on-your-shoulder meeting obsolete. At least they’ve tried. I’ve seen several youth pastors recently asking questions (online) about how to best communicate with their students. Their polls typically provide possible answers from the list above. I receive countless […]