I can recall my first days sleeping in a bunk, inside basic shelter, within the confines of a guarded compound in the Dominican Republic. I remember the strange sounds, the distant celebratory gunfire, and lying awake wondering how safe we really were. It’s a question every missionary faces, no matter how long they serve. But […]
Category: Stories
Easter Barney and a lesson for the Church
On Easter morning I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat on the couch with my one-year-old nephew to catch a classic episode of Barney. He had his sippy of milk and a snack of Cheerios and Life cereal. I just had the coffee. It was a great episode, something about telling the truth and […]
The nature of the vine
In John 15:1-8, we see the significance for the believer of the vital connection to Jesus Christ. We see how Jesus’ identification as the true vine illustrates his life-giving nature as source and support for those who would remain in Him.
My 7 steps to great sermon prep
I’m preparing to preach this Sunday at my new local church. In light of my focus this week, I thought I’d share the simple method for teaching prep that I’ve developed over the years. This my seven-step process.

Why I do What I Do: Let My Kids Play With Fire
With the recent addition of a two-year-old to our home, we have regressed to a stage with baby gates and those annoying little covers on every outlet within reach. Sure, I want them to be safe, but more importantly: I want them to learn something.