I was surprised or maybe perplexed at first (though that’s not a word I often use), when I walked around the east side of my house yesterday afternoon and saw the daffodils about to bloom. I don’t know why I was surprised that spring had arrived… I had seen all the signs. The snow had […]
Category: Stories

Consider the birds.
My new normal includes cloudless skies without the crisscross trails from jets passing overhead. My new normal includes roads without traffic for afternoon walks with my wife. My new normal includes moments to wander around the yard to check up on the spring bulbs as they break through to the spring. And, my new normal […]

Bear fruit with patience.
Are we there yet? Is it over yet? Are we done yet? – All questions I’ve heard and asked a million times. And this past week, as we set out to cut up and clean up a huge section of our beautiful backyard willow tree that had fallen this winter… I asked it of myself […]

But today we hallelujah!
I don’t think I’ve ever been to a Catholic mass… until today. It was a lot of what I expected. It was rich with tradition. It emphasized the holiness and majesty of God. And it was the perfect way to celebrate the life of my Great Uncle Chet. I knew he had been a teacher […]

This thing… and all things.
“Do you know what my mom always used to tell me?” He was struggling to keep his balance (and catch his breath) nearly 24 feet off the ground in our indoor ropes course. Last year he had come to camp and tried, but not been able to overcome his fear of heights. He had not […]