Several weeks ago I attended a seminar on creating effective experiences and environments… for preschoolers. I was the only guy in the room and the only person who wasn’t a preschool teacher. Frankly, I think it kind of threw off the presenter to have me there. Throughout the presentation, she awkwardly added phrases like, “and […]
Category: Parenting and Family

Why I do What I Do: Let My Kids Play With Fire
With the recent addition of a two-year-old to our home, we have regressed to a stage with baby gates and those annoying little covers on every outlet within reach. Sure, I want them to be safe, but more importantly: I want them to learn something.
Today’s a good day
Here are a few ways to ensure this year is better than last year, and tomorrow is better than today.
Make the way smooth
In addition to the regular course correction that keeps us near the heart and will of God, we need a periodic removal of the things that may have surfaced in our lives, things which may cause us to stumble.
Make the way straight
Too often our lives become a zig zag of foolish behavior that takes us someplace we never intended to go. I believe as our hearts become more attuned to the heart of God, our sensors detect our going off path and provide constant correction, and a steady direction that is in line with the life God intends for us.