The following is a brief confession from a series written for my Systematic Theology classes. I believe Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity and fully divine by his own admission (Luke 22:70; John 10:30), the testimony of the Apostles (Matt 16:16; Col 1:19, 2:9; Heb 1:3), and the confirmation of the Father […]
Category: on Scripture

Confession: Sin
The following is a brief confession from a series written for my Systematic Theology classes. I believe that sin entered the world when Adam and Eve, tempted by the serpent, doubted God’s word and chose to violate His command (Gen 3:1-6, 2 Cor 11:3, Rom 5:12). Their eyes were opened to discern good from evil, […]

Confession: Humanity
The following is a brief confession from a series written for my Systematic Theology classes. I believe that humankind was created by God on the sixth day (Gen 1:26, 5:2, Deut 4:32), when God made Adam, the first man, from the dust of the ground (Gen 2:7), and Eve, the first woman, from Adam’s flesh […]

Confession: God
The following is a brief confession from a series written for my Systematic Theology classes. I believe in one God (Deut. 4:35, 6:4, Ps. 86:10, Eph. 4:5, 1 Tim. 2:5) who created the Heavens and the Earth (Ps. 102:25) and all things in them (Gen. 1:1, Ex. 20:11, Rev. 4:11). Everything that is created, He […]

Confession: Revelation
The following is a brief confession from a series written for my Systematic Theology classes. I believe that God has fully (Isa 40:5, Rom 1:19) and purposefully (Gal 3:8, Eph 1:8-10) revealed Himself to all (Rom 1:20) without regard to our merit (Isa 65:1). By His initial act of creation (Ps 19:1) and His perpetual […]