It’s true: some days you couldn’t pay me enough to do the job I do. But you don’t have to. When you’re working in a mission-driven organization, and you’re excited about the mission, the reward is so much more than money.
Category: on Ministry
Skip the museum. Go shopping.
The museum deals in the primary theoretical and historical. But the grocery store, and the garage, and the kitchen table… they deal primarily in the practical, real-life sorts of things that every kid (and many adults) needs to learn.
Chasing the magic unicorn.
Sometimes, the way we define a particular job or position, makes it hard to find any one person that meets all of our expectations. So what do we do? Do we settle? Do we give up? Absolutely not. Here are a few things I’m learning to do as I continue the search.
22 Reasons to Attend Open Youth Ministry: Grand Rapids
I’m starting to get really excited about Open Grand Rapids, and, since it’s being held on February 22nd, I thought I’d make a list of 22 reasons you should attend.
Don’t be a tool, or treat others like one.
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my leadership style and method: how I treat the people on the teams I lead. My previous writing has left out the essential component of great leadership: Caring.