After I speak, I never walk back to my seat wishing I had said “and in conclusion” one more time.
Category: on Ministry
Review: humble orthodoxy by Joshua Harris
For a book on orthodoxy, I expected something heavy, something long, with gilt edges glittering of gold leaf. I read it anyway.
Creating an atmosphere of trust at work and at home
This wasn’t about the servers at Logan’s Roadhouse. It was about me, and my family, and my team. Am I helping to create an environment that fosters joyful service and success? Or am I fostering mistrust, exasperating those around me with unreasonable expectations?
Why ideas aren’t enough
I’ve felt that way at conferences. I feverishly take notes, trying to jot down everything that might be useful in the future, only to file them away upon my return home.
Worship is the natural state… for preteens too.
When you look around the room, the place where you worship, and you see your fourth grade boys aren’t worshipping, maybe it’s not because they’re missing something—maybe it’s because we are.