I’ve been asked it at the grocery store, the gas station, in text messages and emails, and in a steady stream of phone calls from good friends… people, I’m sure, aren’t trying to pry, but are simply demonstrating their concern and curiosity. Thank you.

Three Books I’m Reading in Transition
I wasn’t surprised the first time I sat down with my Higher Ground group this summer. I asked this small group of counselors and summer leaders what one thing they wanted to be intentional about as they walked through the seven weeks of summer camp. I knew that the weeks would fly by, for them […]

When God says go.
It caught me off guard: late this winter a friend of mine asked me, “What would it take to get you to leave SpringHill?” Honestly, I told him, I hadn’t thought about it. SpringHill has been such an important place in my life, and the life of my family. Amanda came here first, as a […]

Never give up.
I hear it a lot. “I’m giving up my weekend to go with the youth ministry to a retreat.” “I’m giving up my Sunday morning to teach a kids’ class.” “They’re giving up their summer to serve as camp counselors.” “You’re giving up a year (or two, or five) of your life to serve in […]