The following is a brief confession from a series written for my Systematic Theology classes.
I believe the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity (Phil 3:3), who was sent by the Son and proceeds from the Father (John 15:26). He is fully divine (Acts 5:3-4; 2 Cor 3:18), ascribed the names “Spirit of God” (2 Chr 15:1; Exod 31:3; Matt 3:16; 1 Cor 2:11), “Spirit of the Lord” (Judg 3:10; Isa 61:1; Luke 4:18; Acts 2:17-18; 2 Cor 3:17), “Spirit of Christ” (Rom 8:9), and “Spirit of Jesus” (Acts 16:7) in the Scriptures. He is a person, not a force (John 16:13-15). He is eternal (John 14:16; Heb 9:14), all-powerful (Zech 4:6; Luke 1:35), knows all things (John 16:13; 1 Cor 2:11), and is present everywhere (Ps 139:7-8; John 14:17).
I believe that, in all that He does, the Holy Spirit glorifies the Son (John 16:14) and reveals the Son (John 15:26). He is an agent of creation (Gen 1:2; Ps 33:6) and the giver of life (John 6:63; Rom 8:11; 2 Cor 3:6).
I believe that the Holy Spirit’s mode of operation has changed over time. In the Old Testament, He came upon specific people for particular purposes (Num 11:25, 24:2; Judg 14:6; 1 Sam 10:10, 16:13). He allowed them to prophesy (Ezek 2:2) and equipped them for the construction of the tabernacle and temple (Exod 31:3-5; Zech 4:6), for leadership and administration (Gen 41:38; Judg 3:10, 6:34), and for battle (Judg 14:19). The Holy Spirit’s role was unique in the conception of Jesus (Matt 1:20), in His baptism (Isa 11:2; Matt 3:16, John 1:32; Acts 10:38) and in His ministry (Matt 4:1; Luke 4:14, 18-21; Heb 9:14).
I believe that the Holy Spirit plays an active role in drawing people to salvation, guiding them into an understanding of the Truth (John 16:13), and convicting of sin (John 16:7-8). At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit first indwelled believers permanently (Ezek 36:27; Acts 2:3; Rom 8;11; 1 Cor 3:16), and now continues to indwell and abide forever in those who believe in Christ and are baptized (Matt 3:11; Acts 2:38, 8:17; John 14:16). His presence in the lives of believers bears witness to their true faith and adoption as sons (Rom 8:16; Gal 4:6; 1 John 3:24, 4:13), equips and empowers them for Christ-like life (Rom 8:4-6, 12-16; Gal 3:3, 5:22-23) and ministry with natural and supernatural gifts (Acts 1:8; Rom 12:6-8, 15:13; Eph 3:16; 1 Cor 12:4-11; 2 Tim 1:7), gives wisdom and clarity (Eph 1:17-19; Phil 1:9-11), and leads and directs (Acts 15:28; Rom 8;14; Gal 5:18).
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