Whatever darkness or fear consumes you, Jesus shines a light in that place, to turn our eyes heavenward to him, for he alone has the power to give us life.

Power over the body (be healed) and the soul (be at peace)
I remember walking slowly through the lobby of the Mayo Clinic, it was late in the evening and I was the only one there. But I had to see it. I had to see the place I had heard so much about. And I wondered—in a sort of desperation—would it be that place for me?

Power over your sin. (Be clean.)
The thing that controls us, that defiles us, that keeps us from entering in to the presence of God, that keeps us from whole relationships with our family and community, Jesus has power over it, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Power over the wind and the sea. (Be still.)
it may be how you’re feeling today. You’re searching for a reprieve from the craziness of your life, but sitting here this moment, your to-do list screams in your ear. There is some great demand on your energy—your emotional energy—that like a wind that won’t stop blowing, threatens to knock you over.

22 Reasons to Attend Open Youth Ministry: Grand Rapids
I’m starting to get really excited about Open Grand Rapids, and, since it’s being held on February 22nd, I thought I’d make a list of 22 reasons you should attend.