For some reason, it seems really important to know the eternal destiny of him, or her, or that guy on TV… but the important question is not about him, it’s about me. So how do we know if we’re sons of God?

We’re going to make her beautiful again.
It was just over 20 years ago when a couple from church I hardly knew asked my brother and I to help them remodel their 100-year-old farmhouse. It started during a fundraiser for our youth group at church.

Why we should take Gen Y more seriously. (Seriously.)
Born in the 1980s and 1990s, members of Generation Y have always seemed like kids to me. I mean, for them, Nick at Night consisted of reruns of Perfect Strangers and Cheers… shows previous generations (including mine) watched in prime time.

How to break into the world of public speaking
I do speak occasionally, but rarely actually get paid. In fact, for my most recent speaking gig, I got “paid” with an LED lightsabre. Seriously.

Four steps to create a better work space today
My desk is a disaster. It’s covered mostly with sticky notes and papers that need filing or trashed. Which made me wonder, what would it take to create a better work space for myself?