You see, fellowship, Christian community, is not about gathering as if being together is the object. It is about how together we are being gathered up to Christ.
Church: Wake up! We have work to do.
In the church, we have work to do. We have a calling. We have a mission in our communities. And it is our responsibility, one to another, as members of one body, to turn to one another—and not as authority or lording power over someone, but as people who love each other—to say, “Wake up!” we have work to do.
My 1982 Ford Escort ran out of gas. Your hope never will.
Now my 1982 Ford Escort was moving a little over twice as fast as I could possibly run, and I was being dragged alongside. I’ve never done that again.

There’s not enough soap in the world.
All the ritual and all the animal sacrifice the Hebrews could do did not offer them the confidence to walk boldly before the throne of God. But we can.
Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart.
I used to go to church expecting to find the presence of God there like I went to school expecting to find my teachers there. Whether I wanted to worship or not, I knew He would be there, and I could meet with Him.