Just like serving bad food with a smile isn’t the mission of [most] restaurants, simply providing great service isn’t our mission either. Sure, it supports our mission. It helps us accomplish our mission. But it’s not our mission.

Review: Youth Ministry in a Post-Christian World
This is, without a doubt the best book on youth ministry I’ve read in over a decade.

A really, really compelling reason to say YES.
We ask them for ideas, inspire them to dream, tell them Jesus wants to do something amazing through them… and then tell them no way. It costs too much. It’s too hard. It’s not fun for me. I’m busy. I’m tired. Maybe next year.
How to not stink at delegation.
The truth is: you’ll always have more to do than you can possibly do alone. But poor delegation undermines those who are there to work, and overwhelms the leader who is trying to keep them busy.
Your church was missing people yesterday.
The reality is, people love to be noticed. But perhaps more than that, people love to be missed. And too often the church focuses on who is new, and who is here, and misses the people who need to be noticed the most.