think, when I was in middle school, I thought you had to 50 or 60 to do anything worthwhile. I figured missionaries and preachers, even youth pastors, must be really old to be full of all that wisdom. I thought, someday, when I’m old too, I’ll do something important.
Be the New Guy Every Day
I’ve often heard friends and family, in the process of fixing up their houses to sell them, say they wish they’d done those things years before and had more time to enjoy them. Well, what are you waiting for?
Take the Vinyl off Your Couch
Wouldn’t it be awesome to hold the Hope Diamond? Wouldn’t it be amazing to take the vinyl off your couch and sit on the upholstery? Wouldn’t it be refreshing to walk right in to the presence of God, unhindered, unashamed, unafraid? We can.
Why I Do What I Do: First Say Hello
It seems like a no-brainer: people matter more than tasks, to-do’s and what’s going on. The problem is, too often we assume the relationship and jump right into the job.

Why I do What I Do: Let My Kids Play With Fire
With the recent addition of a two-year-old to our home, we have regressed to a stage with baby gates and those annoying little covers on every outlet within reach. Sure, I want them to be safe, but more importantly: I want them to learn something.